I thought I'd post a schedule of this Saturday's events; all are welcome to join for the entire "retreat", or for just part.
9:20 Newcomer's instruction
9:30 Zazen (seated meditation)
10 Kinhin (walking meditation)
10:10 Zazen
10:40 Kinhin
10:50 Zazen
11:20 Lunch (provided; this will be soy-based, so please bring your own if you have an allergy.)
Tea & Discussion about "our teachers"
12:30 Samu (work practice)
1:30 Zazen
2 Ceremony to honor the life of Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi
2:30 clean up, say goodbyes.
Friday Ramble - Journey
Journey comes from the Middle English* journei*, meaning day (or day's
travel), through the Old French *jornee *and Vulgar Latin *diurnt*a, then
the Late...
22 hours ago
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