Here is an update of our current summer schedule.
As I will be traveling through much of June, I've decided to cancel our meetings June 13, 20 and 27.
There are, however, a few goings-on at the Center you may be interested in, in place of our usual zazen: The 12th through the 14th, Dr. Marcy is offering a retreat at the Temple of Light. The meditation style she teaches is very different from zazen, but for those of you who have an interest in all types of meditations (from all types of traditions), this may be a rewarding experience for you. The Friday night introduction is free; Sat & Sun require a night spent in the forest. (Bummer!) Then on the Solstice, Sun. the 21st, there is an introduction to the Labyrinth-- a wonderful meditative walk that is most famously known in medieval churches such as Chartres Cathedral. Check the Joy Lane web site for details:
We'll resume our weekly zazen practice on Saturday, July 4: what a wonderful way to celebrate Independence Day!
Finally, I'm happy to announce that we're hosting a Joy Lane Movie Night and offering an extended day of sitting in honor of my late teacher, Kobun Chino Otogawa, roshi. You may check here for details, which I will be posting here soon. In summary, our movie on Friday the 24th will be Amongst White Clouds, a documentary about Chinese Zen and Taoist hermits; and sitting on Saturday the 25th will be an extended schedule of 9:30 to 2. You are welcome for any part, or all.
Enjoy the beginning of your summer! Gassho, Pilar
Friday Ramble - Journey
Journey comes from the Middle English* journei*, meaning day (or day's
travel), through the Old French *jornee *and Vulgar Latin *diurnt*a, then
the Late...
20 hours ago
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